Cabra Cini: Voodoo Junkie Hitwoman
Cabra Cini: Voodoo Junkie Hitwoman is published in
Digital Visions #4
It's the first story in the mag. I read it online.
Click here for that link and choose the
"Read Online" option to the right.
OK, wow. We've got 8 pages of emotion, guns, some blood, a great story written by
produced by Bruno Letizia.
This is a quick paced read with a sweet hook...
"The Voodoo Lady".
Cabra comes out swinging and never stops.
She takes her moxie into a limbo
known as "The Infinity" in search of her prey,
Tom Spelling.
In the first half of our saga we meet
Tom Spelling and Cabra Cini,
learn about Voodoo, Limbo, kill a few bad guys and get a Cabra Cini origin for good measure.
In Four Pages!
I truly enjoyed her origin page.
Sam's to the point writing style along with
Bruno's top notch art and
Rodrigo Diaz's coloring makes this an
award worthy page but
the whole chapter is just as good.
Moving deeper into The Infinity, Cabra is confronted with her past.
A ploy used by Inifinity's ruler The Rook.
Does she move forward toward her goal of finding Tom Spelling?
Can Cabra beat her own past?
And who is Mr. Mash-Up?
I could tell you but come on read it for yourself.
I'll say this, you will be happy you were let in on this little gem.
Sam Johnson's modern writing style is a nice surprise.
He gives us fewer words than most but brings us major impact
in a story that I didn't want to end. Sam also brings in modern
references like "Blog, blue energy arrows and Milky Joe".
I like that too.
Enjoy this read folks and chime in.
CCU will take a closer look at the people behind
Cabra Cini: Voodoo Junkie Hitwoman on
Wednesday, February 2nd.
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